Let Dominic Speak.
I can't sleep. It is 5:26 a.m. and I just can't sleep.
All I can do is think. Not good thoughts, mind you. More so the thought that the school that I called my own from fifth grade through 12 has some bigoted, hateful people calling the shots.
Sometime late Wednesday evening, the news started to make the rounds that Sacred Heart Academy decided that Dominic Sheahan-Stahl wasn't suited to be the keynote speaker at the upcoming senior graduate. Why, you might ask?
Well, because Dominic is gay. No other reasons given, apparently none needed. That is the only reason.
Just simply because he is gay.
Now, there are plenty of good employees at Sacred Heart Academy. I had some wonderful teachers during my time there. But the ones making the decisions, the ones that have obviously made it clear that homophobia is the modus operandi at the school. They have shown their true colors.
This is why I decided Catholicism or any other religion for that matter was not for me sometime during my early high school years. Love thy neighbor? Hypocritical words, it is so often shown.
More like "love thy neighbor, as long as they meet my guidelines".
Dominic already bought his plane ticket. He already had his speech written. His brother is graduating and he was going to be the one giving the big speech.
Not anymore. All ruined by those in charge that have no moral compass, no understanding of what the religion they lay claim to is trying to preach.
It is sad. It is pathetic. And I cannot support a school that plays by this set of rules.
This is what Dominic wrote on Facebook: "Just found out that I CAN'T be the Keynote Speaker for my High School "Sacred Heart Academy" in Mount Pleasant, Michigan because I am Gay! Wow, for the first time in my life I am feeling discriminated. I want everyone on Facebook to know this and please spread the word. This is Bull! Especially because I was to be speaking at youngest brother's graduation. Wow.....Wow.....Wow!"
This isn't just a case of minor feelings being hurt. This is full-fledged discrimination directed toward Dominic for who he is.
I can still do my job properly at the newspaper as far as covering Sacred Heart sporting events. I can still cover the games and write for the kids, those who had nothing to do with this decision. There is no fault in them whatsoever. I just hope they are smart enough to realize what they are being taught is a load of bull.
Yet the administration in charge at Sacred Heart Academy, the people that are teaching homophobia and telling Dominic that he is lower than them because of the way he was born. I can't support the school ever again because of your shocking lack of a moral compass. Not even an apology will suffice at this point. How sincere could it possibly be?
I hope that Dominic's story goes viral. National. Hell, worldwide. Sacred Heart, the school I graduated from, deserves nothing but bad publicity from this.
I don't know who made this decision and I am not going to throw any individuals under the bus, but you know who you are. Shame on you.
Parents do not want to send their children to a school like that. I remember being told in about 2001 by a Sacred Heart teacher that he'd be surprised if the school lasted more than 15 more years.
The foundation is crumbling. Keep on teaching hatred and your school will be gone before you realize the ramifications of your actions.
There is already a stronghold of people supporting Dominic through this travesty and it is only going to grow and grow as the word spreads.
Please, go here and sign the petition: